learing new things like moding for dumb people
Published on September 6, 2008 By Danny Bottoms In Game Talk

to b gin i would like 2 thank u 4 your understanding that u r help a novice i have baisc or below understanding of computing but would like 2 know more  lets be gin i have mod zip folders on my puter that r for a game and i cant figure out how to make them work please help i have novice understanding please keep this in mind when u r helping thank u  a new bee

on Sep 06, 2008

yeah id like to no about mod folders too. im a newbie at this, but ill describe it as best as i can. iv looked on the game and i no wat the mod path is, but on my computer there are no folders where the mod path says to go. wat should i do about this?

on Sep 10, 2008

Hello, the cursor arrow is missing when ever I load the main menu of Galactic Civilizations II - twilight of the arnor on the computer.  Please let me know how to make the arrowhead shaped cursor to reappear once again.  Thanks.

on Nov 26, 2008

Hello, I read a post about Surrendering and how random it is. They mention to just turn it off. I'm playing DL and i don;t see an option to turn off this option in the options menu, do I have to edit the game files? if so which files? This has been driving me nuts, as no matter what I do, passive or aggressive, if the AI thinks it can't survive it surrenders, even if it still has 5-10 planets left. This changes everything. eg. was building up to attack one race, the iconians and yor surrendered to the dregden giving them 6 more planets and increasing their influence dramaticly. The yor went evet at war with anyone as far as I remeber. So any help in turning off surrender option would be appeciated.

on Nov 26, 2008

Sorry, I can't help with mods but as far as the cursor I think that you've either selected (or deselected) hardware cursor. From the Main menu go to the Options menu, select the Video tab and either check or uncheck the "Hardware Mouse Cursor".

As far as surrenders that's only a selectable option in DA (and I assume TA). In DL you can't disable surrenders. This option was added because in DA it's actually more likely to happen and under less obvious circumstances than in DL.

However as you note an AI can certainly surrender in DL even with close to a dozen planets. One thing that causes this is if the AI has had all it's ships killed and has a zero military rating. Also, as far as I know, in DL an AI won't surrender unless they're at war with *someone*.

There are number of things you can do to avoid this. One is to keep track of the relationships between AI's and if you feel one AI is weak and likely to surrender you can usually pay whoever they're at war with a reasonable amount of money to make peace. Also if you play as "good" alignment you can build the Hall of Empathy that doubles the likelihood that an AI will surrender to you as opposed to someone else. However the best way is to essentially be in control of the situation by being the one that is in war with the AI's (one at a time assumedly) as opposed to having the AI's be in war with each other. In this case you want to be prepared to take an AI's last handful of planets all at the same time so that there's nothing left for them to surrender.

on Dec 01, 2008

thank you for the responce, sounds like I need to upgrade to da or ta, cheers

on Dec 23, 2008

Most mod folde have some sort of readme in them (if the modder was nice enough to provide it). Right click the zip folder and click open, not unzip, to see the contents of the folder and try to find something that looks like a readme. Most of the time it's just a text file or an HTML file. It should tell you where to unzip the folder to. If there is no readme, then try checking the site you downloaded the mod from, sometimes the modder only posts the useful info there. It would also be helpful to know which game so maybe someone who knows the game could help.

on Dec 30, 2008

to b gin i would like 2 thank u 4 your understanding that u r help a novice i have baisc or below understanding of computing but would like 2 know more lets be gin i have mod zip folders on my puter that r for a game and i cant figure out how to make them work please help i have novice understanding please keep this in mind when u r helping thank u a new bee

In an attempt to understand this I have Injected Punctuation and ammended spelling as best i could:

To begin I would like two thanks from you for your understanding that you are a helpless novice. I have a basic or below average understanding of computing but would like to know more. Lets be gin. I have mod zip folder on my computer that is for a game and I can't figure out how to make it work! Please help! I have a Novice understanding things for me. Please keep this in mind when you are helping, thanks. Your a new Bee

Now on a serious note it becomes very hard to understand and interact with somebody when they write sub-standard English. I am in no doubt that this person can write properly in standard English, with punctuation and non-phonetic spellings. And I am also in no doubt that English is this persons primary language as it is doubtfull that somebody would learn a language to completely ignore all of its conventions at the cost of being understood, after all they most likely learnt the language to be understood by people in the first place.

And as it is the guy who neither you nor I know I think it is safe to say that I am glad i have never encountered English this bad before on these forums.

on Dec 30, 2008

Oh, and in an attempt to answer the questions:

- Lets not be gin

- I am neither a new bee, an old bee or a middle aged bee. I am in fact not a bee at all.

- We will need to know the game you are having problems with before we can help you